There are 2 parts in this guide that i wan to share. Part 1– 6 tips to begin with and Part 2 – 8 steps for the guide.
Part 1
1) To get your pets train you have to go see the Core Alchemist ( NPC ) in any town. CLICK HIM
2) The maximum level a pet can reach is 10, and they will gain EXP every time you use a skill.
3) You cannot gain skill exp from dummy. You can gain additional EXP for your pets if you use Premium + Plus beads.
4) For every level you will gain 1 skill slot. Every time you level you can have the option of filling that slot with a skill.
5 ) You will have to use Force Core Highest to train your pet with success rate of 100%. Slot is random.
6) When the pet is reached at its maximum level ( 10 ), it will change its appearance. ( Your pet looks cooler now )
Part 2
1. Training Pet

Insert animal, insert Force Core Highest. Success rate is 100%, and skill gained is randomized. Cost of learning new skills will increase as the pet level goes up, or so they say. One question though, is that there is an item called Action Kit, which hasn’t been implemented yet. Probably will be implemented later on. Skill addition is performed at the Core Alchemist NPC and costs alz determined by the level and a single Force Core Highest.
- Levels 1~5 = 1,000,000 al
- Levels 6~8 = 2,000,000 alz
2. Increasing Pet Level
You accumulate EXP for your pet by using skills. Items that give out skill EXP does not work with it (ie. Adepts). No one knows if certain skills give more EXP or not.
3. Pet Skills

4. Pet Naming
You can give your pet a name via Pet Naming Kit. Available at the Port Lux Grocer this card costs 150,000,000 alz. A renamed pet cannot be seen by the apposing nation on war channel/map they will only see the pet type name for example “Dire Boar” instead of your pets real name be it “Fluffy” or “Ralph”. 
(example of pet with customized name, CanCan)

(pet rename card. try to guess what it does)